

U.F.O.scope! – Families Playing Together at the Public Library
Eriksson E.
In ACM International Conference Proceeding of DIS 2010, August 16-20, 2010, Aarhus Denmark. ISBN 978-1-4503-0103-9, 2010/08


Designing for participation in public knowledge institutions
Dalsgård, Peter; Dindler, Christian; Eriksson E.
In ACM International Conference Proceeding of the 5th Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction: building bridges , 358 pp. 93-102. ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-59593-704-9. Lund, Sweden, 2008.


Inquiry into Libraries - A Design Approach to Children's Interactive Library
Eriksson E., Krogh, P.G., Lykke-Olesen, A.
In the The second Nordic Design Research Conference Proceedings of Design Inquiries'07 Stockholm, Sweden, May 27-30, 2007.

StorySurfer – A Playful Book Browsing Installation for Children’s Libraries
Eriksson E., Lykke-Olesen, A.
In the ACM Conference Proceedings of Interaction Design and Children '07 Aalborg, Denmark, June 8-9. 2007. ACM Press.

Ubiquitous Computing in Physico-Spatial Environments - Activity Theoretical Considerations
Dalgård, P., Eriksson E.
In "Multiple and Ubiquitous Interaction - book of abstracts" Editors: Christina Brodersen, Susanne Bødker & Clemens N. Klokmose. DAIMI PB-581, University of Aarhus, Denmark, March 28-30, 2007.

Designing for Spatial Multi-User Interaction
Eriksson E.
Licentiate Thesis, January 30, 2007, Chalmers, Göteborg, Sweden.

Reclaiming Public Space – Designing for Public Interaction with Private Devices
Eriksson E., Hansen, T.R., Lykke-Olesen, A.
In Proceedings of Tangible and Embedded Interaction '07 Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Feb. 2007. ACM Press.


Designing Spatial Multi-user Interaction
Eriksson, E.
In the Danish HCI-Research Synposium proceedings. November 15, 2006, Århus, Denmark.

Movement-Based Interaction in Camera Spaces – A Conceptual Framework
E. Eriksson, T.R. Hansen, A. Lykke-Olesen. 2006
In the Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.
[paper in pdf and html]

Bthere or be Square: A Method for Extreme Contextualization of Design
Eriksson, E, Ludvigsen, M, Lykke-Olesen, A, Nielsen, R.
In the Wonderground international conference proceedings. November 1-4, 2006, Lisbon, Portugal.

Teaching Interaction Design: Matters, Materials and Means
Lundgren S, Torgersson O, Hallnäs L, Eriksson E, Ljungstrand P.
In the Wonderground international conference proceedings. November 1-4, 2006, Lisbon, Portugal.

Use Your Head - Exploring Face Tracking for Mobile Interaction
T.R. Hansen, E. Eriksson, A. Lykke-Olesen. 2006
In Proceedings of CHI 2006, April 22-27, Montreal, Canada, 2006. [link]

Proceedings The Second Scandinavian Student Interaction Design Research Conference, SIDeR'06.
E. Eriksson (Editor).
February 24-26, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2006.

The Dual Natures of Design
E. Eriksson. 2006
In Proceedings of MTD-research school annual meeting 2006, April 18-19, Fiskebäckskil, Sweden, 2006.


Mixed Interaction Spaces – a new interaction technique for mobile devices
T.R. Hansen, E. Eriksson, A. Lykke-Olesen .
In: Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 2005.

Movement and Space – Exploring the Space in Movement based Interaction.
Hansen, T.R., Eriksson E., Lykke-Olesen, A. .
In: Workshop Proceedings of "Approaches to Movement-based Interaction", under The Fourth Decennial Aarhus Conference Critical Computing, ISBN 0-9757948-0-9 , Aarhus, Denmark, Aug. 2005.

Rethinking Information Handling: Designing for Information Offload
Dalsgaard P., Eriksson, E., Hansen K. L .
In: Proceedings of The ACM Fourth Decennial Aarhus Conference Critical Computing, Aarhus, Denmark, Aug. 2005.

Mixed Interaction Spaces – expanding the interaction space with mobile devices
Hansen, T.R., Eriksson E., Lykke-Olesen, A. .
In: Proceedings of British HCI 2005 , Edingburgh, UK, Sep. 2005.

Mission from Mars – A Method for Exploring User Requirements for Children in a Narrative Space
C. Dindler, E. Eriksson, O.S. Iversen, M. Ludvigsen, A. Lykke-Olesen .
In: Proceedings of Interaction Design and Children, IDC 2005 , Boulder, Colorado, USA, Jun. 2005.

Mixed Interaction Space – Designing for Camera Based Interaction with Mobile Devices
Hansen, T.R., Eriksson E., Lykke-Olesen, A. .
In: Proceedings of CHI 2005 , Portland, OR, USA, Apr. 2005.


Guidelines for the Design of an Airline Crew Control Operations Monitor
E. Eriksson, D. Lindros.
Master Thesis for MSc in Interaction Design. Chalmers University of Technology, 2003


SpringFlow: A Digital Spring-sign
C. Axelsson, E. Eriksson, D. Lindros, M. Mattsson.
In: Proceedings of the second Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction , Aarhus, Denmark, Jun. 2005.
©2003 Daniel Lindros & Eva Eriksson